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If you have children of your own, or spend any amount of time with children, you undoubtedly are familiar with that blank and puzzled face staring deep into your soul. That face that is soon followed by the question “you want us to do what?” Whether it is an inability to understand the command given, a stubborn streak leading them to disobey, or a failure to hear the full command, our children often do not want to do what we ask of them. 

Although excuses can be endless, the most grumbling heard in our house is when what is asked of them is not easy or popular, or requires them to step out of their normal routine. Regardless of what is asked, I am met with resistance. However, as often is the case, our children are simply acting like us. 

There are many times we share the same thoughts and feelings about God. Whether it’s after time spent reading His Word or listening to a message, reactions such as: “You want us to do what?” “That’s too hard, I can’t do that.” or “People will think I’m crazy.” flood our mind as we grasp for a good reason not to walk in obedience to His command. 

Here again, some advice your mother gave you is very appropriate. “no matter how bad you think you have it, someone else has it worse.” Consider for a moment those first disciples of Christ. On what would prove to be their last full week with their master, Christ asked them to do a crazy, difficult, and odd thing. Listen to Christ command in Matthew 21. “Go to the village ahead of you, and at once you will find a donkey tied there, with her colt by her. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone says anything to you, say that the Lord needs them, and he will send them right away.”

Consider this. Christ asked them to go into an unfamiliar village where they would find a donkey (note he never told them where it was). To take it, and bring it to Him. If they are seen, simply to say that I (Jesus) need it. Truly this is a hard command to digest. Something truly out if the ordinary, something crazy, extremely difficult, and requiring a large portion of faith and trust in Christ and His Word.

Faced with a hard (and seemingly illegal task) of finding and taking a donkey, armed with the simple word of Christ (the Lord needs it) and His Promise (he will send them right away) the disciples were faced with an important decision to obey or not. What raced through their minds we may never know, but Matthew 21:6 records their actions, “The disciples went and did as Jesus had instructed them.” They chose to obey Christ’s commands, and because of their action another prophecy was fulfilled as Christ rode into Jerusalem like a King.

As followers of Christ, we are often faced with hard things to do. Instructions that seem crazy, impossible, and down right odd. It can be easy to look at the many unknowns, the difficulties, or to wonder what others will say if they see us, and reason that it’s better not to follow it. Yet, just as the disciples, we too are sent with Christ’s authority, equipped with the Word (or answer) of Christ, and have the promise of Him going before us and working out the result. May we too respond like the two disciples in faith and obedience; doing all just as Jesus has instructed us. 

Focus on the God who can, and not on the self who won't. 


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