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Silenced by the Truth

Those who know me best understand that rendering me speechless is not an easy or common thing to do. I am rather quick on my feet and rarely fazed by what people say. Although, I will admit from time to time, something one says will catch me off guard without any reply.

This very thing happened to some religious leaders in Jesus’ day. The Pharisees & Sadducees were always trying to trap Jesus; attempting to coax Him into saying something that they could use against Him. In Matthew 22 a group of them set out to accomplish this.

The scene started in verse 15 as the Pharisees went and asked Christ about Roman taxation, hoping to catch Him speaking some words which could be interpreted as rebellion against Caesar. Yet, Christ’s answer amazed them. Hoping to accomplish what the Pharisees couldn’t, next the Sadducees went and tried to trap Jesus with questions of their own, but again His answer proved to be too much.

The Pharisees didn’t give up. They came back again with more loaded questions, and like the last time, Christ answered them beyond what they dreamed possible.

Beaten yet not yet ready to give up, the Pharisees huddled together in verse 41 to come up with a question that surely would stump this great teacher. However as they were scheming, Jesus challenged their conception of the Messiah quoting Psalm 110:1. After He said these words, Matthew 22:46 plainly states “No one could say a word in reply, and from that day on no one dared to ask him any more questions.”

Each time the Pharisees or Sadducees tried to trap Christ, He answered with the Truth of Scripture. Each time His accusers were left standing in silence. Luke records it this way in 20:26 “They were unable to trap him in what he had said there in public. And astonished by his answer, they became silent.”

This is always the effect of Truth, it silences everything else. Just as the light casts out all darkness, the truth casts out all lies. For just as Jesus said in John 8:32 “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

The truth of God’s Word silences the lies of the Devil, the World, and ourselves. The lies that tell you your sin is too great for God to forgive, that if people really knew you they wouldn’t accept you. The lies which tell you this one time really won't hurt, or the reward outweighs the sin. The doubt and questions posed by those who seek to destroy your faith. Answer them all with God’s Word, and watch them remain silent.

Christ did this in the wilderness when tempted by the devil, Peter did this when accused by the Jews, and Paul tells us the only way to overcome sin and guilt is to be “transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

As you let God’s truth speak to you and through you, It will defend and protect you refuting all the lies thrown from the evil one.

Next time you’re tempted to sin, accused by Satan, or challenged by a non-believer, turn to the Truth and let It silence your accusers for good.


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