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I still remember the feeling of fear and loneliness I had one afternoon as a boy in grade school. For some reason the bus reached my home quicker than usual that afternoon. As I walked down the driveway and into the house, I was shocked to find it dark and empty. My father was still at work, like normal, but my mom, who was always home, was nowhere to be found. In a matter of a few short minutes, I made a quick, yet thorough, check of every room in our modest ranch-style home. Even checking the scary basement and garage. No one was home. 
Feelings of fear, loneliness, and despair set in fast, followed by plenty of irrational thoughts only a child was capable of. There was only one choice. Lay down on the couch and try to sleep. Maybe, just maybe when I awoke someone would be home. 
What seemed much like an eternity (actually only a few minuets) my mother’s car came whipping in the driveway, and my fears and feelings were finally put to rest. 
Nevertheless, it took years for me to fully recover from the incident. After that, every morning, right before I would head out the screen door to wait for the school bus, I asked my mother the same question. “Mom are you sure you’ll be home when I come home?” and she would answer each morning without delay “Yes Eric, I will.” Every day when I stepped off the bus her car was in the driveway - and she was waiting for me in our home. 
Each one of us has times in our lives where we are lonely. Times where we feel like we are all alone. However, its during these darkened times in our lives where Christ’s Words in Matthew 28:20 bring great comfort.  “And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”
Always! No matter where we are, no matter what we are going through, He is there with us. There is no place too near or far, for Christ’s presence; or time too early or late for Christ. He is there; even to the end for the age!
Next time you feel all alone, grab on to and take comfort in Christ’s last words and promise: He Is With You! 
Thank you Jesus for never leaving me, no matter where I go, or how dark life seems. You are there. Let me find comfort in your presence no matter what tomorrow holds.


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