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I know you’ve heard it. I know you’ve experienced it. And I imagine you’ve shattered a few in your day as well. At times it does seems like “Promises are made to be broken.”
Yet as I reflect on that statement again, I’m reminded how much I dislike it and how illogical it truly is. By definition a promise is “a declaration or assurance that one will do a particular thing or that it guarantees that a particular thing will happen.” Promises are made to bring assurance, confidence, and peace of mind, not disappointment. 

Sadly, this statement has not been born out of its dictionary definition, but experience. For we live in a world of broken promises. Wether from a politician, businessman, or loved one, each one of us has experienced the disappointment of having a shattered promise. Sadly, we too have broken our fair share of promises. 
Nevertheless, there is One who has never broken a promise and never will. It is impossible for Him to do so; for by nature He is The Promise Keeper. 
Numbers 23:19 says “God is not man, that he should lie, or a son of man, that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” 

The Author of Hebrews shares the same sentiment as he writes in Chapter 10 verse 23 “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” 

God has never, and will never break a promise. What He says, He does. What He promises, He delivers. This is seen throughout the pages of Scripture, for God’s word is filled with hundreds of promises fulfilled. 
God promised to give Adam a helpmate, He did. God promised never to flood the earth again, He hasn’t. God promised that a nation would come from a barren woman, it did. God promised to lead the Jews out of Egypt, He did. God promised them victory in Cana, they won. God promised a virgin would conceive, she did. God promised the Messiah must suffer and die, He did. God Promised He would rise, and He did. 
Yet, they continue! He promises to forgive sin, He does, He promised never to leave us, He won't, He promises to come again, and He will! But this is only the tip of the promise iceberg, for the Bible overflows with promises for those who trust in Christ. Since He has left such a great legacy of promise keeping, we can be assured He will keep each one yet to be fulfilled. 
Stop for a moment asking God to remind you of the promises He has fulfilled and those He will keep. 
Thank you Lord for your faithfulness in keeping your promises in the past, and let me rest in your promises for the future.


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