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A Lasting Legacy

“And by faith he still speaks, even though he is dead.” Hebrews 11:4b 
This weekend (commonly called Memorial Day weekend) means different things to many different people: from hotdogs to hamburgers, grill outs to home improvement projects, time away from work to time around a camp fire, it marks the end of a school year, and is seen as the unofficial start of summer. As wonderful as these activities are, none of them truly represent the reason for this long weekend.
Memorial Day, or as it was originally named, Dedication Day, has been set aside since the 1800’s to commemorate U.S. men and women who died while in military service. It was first enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War, and was expanded after World War I to include all those who died while serving our country. 
However, like many holidays the reason, meaning, & mode of celebration has become commercialized, forgotten, and replaced. The stories, battles, victories, and sacrifices made have slipped out of memory. The great moments in America’s history and the men and women who gave their lives to secure our freedom, who at one time seemed to be unforgettable, a legacy whose shadow stretched long and far, are now blips in history books or remain in vine covered statues and overlooked monuments in city parks. 
Nevertheless, we set aside Monday to remember, reflect, and honor those who have given all in service to their country. 
As I was considering this upcoming holiday of remembrance and honor, one question remained on my mind: “What sort of legacy will I leave behind?” What will my kids and grandkids remember when I’m gone? What I am passing down on to them? What will whispers of my life speak when I am silenced?
This question was answered months before as I was reading through Hebrews 11. As my eyes scanned through the names listed in those 40 verses, it became evident that the only legacy worth leaving was one of Faith.  
Yes! Each person listed in this chapter accomplishment many great things. They lead nations, won battles, acquired riches, and treated others kindly, but they are not remembered for any of these. No! Their names are listed because of their faith in God. “These were all commended for their faith.” Hebrews 11:39
When your voice is silenced, your number is called, and all that marks your life is slate granite in the  ground, how will you be remembered? As a person of faith or something else? 
The only legacy worth leaving is one of Faith! 
“For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.” Hebrews 11:5b
“By his faith he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.” Hebrews 11:7b.


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