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Inconclusive. Unsure. Out of options. 
These are words that no one wants to hear from their physician.  However, phrases like this have filled the dead air of the hospital rooms that my Mother has dwelled in over the past few weeks. Throughout this time teams of doctors have examined and reexamined her, ran and reran numerous tests, and spent countless hours consulting and researching possible causes, conditions, and treatments for her. While much has been ruled out, and even a few things understood, they have been unable to discover root causes and treat them.  While we are rejoicing and are encouraged by many of the negative results, as the medical staff reaches the end of trail there is a fog of mystery and concern covering our family. 
Nevertheless, I am reminded of King David’s advice in Psalm 143:3-5. “Don’t put your confidence in powerful people; there is no help for you there. When they breathe their last, they return to the earth, and all their plans die with them. But joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.”
I am grateful for the highly trained Medical Staff who have diligently cared for our family; relentlessly pursuing reasons for my mother’s illness.  I am grateful for the training and the medical advancements which have doubtless saved her life. I am confident they will do everything within their power to find answers and treat her. Yet therein lies the problem, everything in their power. Regardless of how much training they have, where they practice, or amount of medical equipment at their disposal; they still are human, with a finite mind 
Yet my hope doesn’t lie within doctors or tests. It doesn’t lie with results and medication. It relies on the Lord. The one who “knit” my mother together in the womb. He knows what, where, why, who, when, and how. He is the God who spoke and the sea was calm, touched the blind and enabled them to see, the same God who died for me. He Knows, He Cares, He has the power to heal, and grace to sustain. My Hope Lies in the Great Physician.  His Grace is sufficient even when the answers aren’t. 


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