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Glimpses of Glory

There he was transfigured before them.  His clothes became dazzling white, whiter than anyone in the world could bleach them. Suddenly, when they looked around, they no longer saw anyone with them except Jesus. ~ Mark 9:1-2, 8

"We've seen Glimpses of his Greatness."

As an avid sports fan, I hear this phrase often. It's usually spoken by an analysts about an up and coming athlete who has yet to preform at the consistence level most believe he can. Whereas, most of the time his performance is average (or below) there are moments where his sensational play shines light on just how good he could be.

This is the experience that three of the Apostles in Mark 9. What started out as an ordinary day, soon turned exceptional. For a brief moment, they saw their Rabbi in fullness of His divine glory; a small glimpse of what is to come. For some time they had heard Him teach, heal, and even perform miracles. But they never had seen anything like this before; the stunning presence of God's Glory. Although it was for only a moment, it had a lasting affect on their lives.

As we go about our days, life can seem anything but remarkable; thats when it happens - we get a glimpse of God Power, His Glory. In the life a person broken by sin, though the prayers of another surrendered to Christ, or the testimony of God's healing in a family, we get to see His Power, His Work, His Glory. Like the apostles, may these times leave us speechless and changed for life. During the dry and discouraging days, let us recall these Glimpses of Glory. May they encourage, inspire, and remind us whom we serve.

Lord, please open my eyes so that I do can see your glory as the Apostles did, and remind me of these during the mundane days ahead.


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