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"Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful."  ~  Hebrews 10:23
I found myself desperately trying to convince my then three-year-old daughter to come into the pool at our hotel. No matter what I said, she refused. Only two months earlier while celebrating her birthday she’d had an unfortunate spill. After playing in the pool, she had became very brave and insisted on playing by herself. 
It wasn’t too long before she ventured out a little too far and found herself drinking the chlorinated water. Within seconds her mother and I swept her out, where she was safe and secure. Her little arms clutched our necks like a python trying to subdue its victim. For the rest of her birthday, she refused to enter the water without a death grip on one of us. 
Two months later, with this memory fresh in her mind, refused to get in. She was content to shiver in the cool air outside the pool as her sister, mother, and myself enjoyed the water. Finally by the end of our week she was convinced I would keep her safe… as long as she held on tight to me; and that she did. 
As she made her way into my arms, her grip tightened about my neck and her body became tense. I assured her, “Just hold on tight to Daddy. You will be safe and nothing will happen to you.” Each time I whispered those words in her ear, her grip tightened. Finally we made our way around the pool safe and secure. Even now we go into the deeper waters she clenches on tight and I still whisper “hold on tight to daddy and you will be safe.”
Our Heavenly Father says the same thing in Hebrews 10:23. As my daughter put her complete trust in me refusing to let go; we’re to abandon trust in ourselves, and fear of our surroundings clinging to Christ. As waters of life seem to rise and lap against our ears, when fear has overtaken us, and all hope appears gone; then more than ever we are to hold tight to our faith - to the truth in God’s Word. 
For further reflection:

How do our experiences cause us to fear and prevent us from enjoying life? 
How does God whisper in our ears? 
How might Mark 9:24 help you next time fear sets in?


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