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Have you ever known someone who has the ability to make things out to be more difficult then they really are, or have to be?
Maybe it was a parent, a former employer, or possibly a college professor. Whenever this person spoke, they seemed to over explain, over analyze, or just plan confuse whatever they were talking about. Some people simply have a knack for taking the simple tasks or processes of life and making them into a complicated mess. 
Sadly, I believe at times, the Church has been guilty of this very thing. Too many times well-intended Christians and Christian ministries have made Christ’s love and charge to the church more complex than it really is. 

For over 2000 years, man has been guilty of adding language, tasks, traditions, and expectations to many of Christ’s Words. Rather than seeing and treating people like Jesus did, we have often made requirements where He did not, and left out some where He did. 
According to Mark 1:17, Jesus’ call to people is much simpler then most of us really realize. Here along the shores of the Sea of Galilee Jesus said simply “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” In fact in John 1:39 Jesus Gave a similar command as He said “come and you will see.”
Christ’s desire for His people was made very plain and very simple; Come and Follow and See. Could it really be that clear? Could it really be that simple? Is that all Jesus requires of His people? Simply following Him? 
I imagine many of Christ’s early disciples asked similar questions; and His answer was the same then as it is now. “Yes, follow Me.” Christ’s sole desire for us, His people, is that we would “take up our cross and follow Him” with every breath and step we take throughout our life. That we would follow Christ in the good and the bad. That we would follow Christ when it’s easy and when its hard. That throughout every moment of our life we would not lead ourselves, but follow Jesus and His example and desire for our life. 
I hope each will accept this invitation, to come and follow Jesus. Come without your biases or preconceived ideas of who this man was, is, or what He requires. To come and meet Jesus through the pages of the Gospels.  To spend time with Christ in through the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. To read for yourself who Jesus says He is. To see what He has done for you, wants to do in you, and hear what He would have you do with your life; continuing to follow Him through the pages of scripture each day and even day. 


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