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Many of you who know me, are aware that I am a proud parent of two beautiful girls, whom I cherish and love deeply. There isn’t much that I would not do for them. In fact, like many parents, I receive great joy in giving them gifts. Things that are nice, things of value, things I have spent time and thought over and are certain they will enjoy. However, one of the most frustrating things I, and many parents experience, is watching our offspring misuse, abuse, and often times destroy these gifts. 
Feelings of anger, hurt, rejection and frustration, often boil to the surface as we struggle to understand why our kids can’t appreciate and take proper care of the gifts we have given them. At times, we take the way our children treat the gifts we give them, as a personal insult and attack against us. However, this is usually not true. Instead, our children fail to fully appreciate the complete extent of the gift, sentiment, and value of it. 
However, each one of us has been guilty of doing this very same thing. We have received many gifts of great value and worth. Yet at times have not treated them with the respect and care they deserve. Not only have we done this with gifts from our parents, but from our Heavenly Father as well. 
Yesterday was “Earth Day.” Some may not have been aware of that, and others could care less. For many earth day conjures up images of longhaired hippies driving around in VW bugs worshiping the trees, rivers, and animals.  
In fact, many of us are tired of the color Green, don't care about a carbon foot print, wonder what “eco-friendly” really means, and question the science behind global warming or “Global Climate Change.” While it is true that Earth Day has become a vehicle for many to promote evolutionary and new age concepts and political agendas, this is a perfect time for Christians to evaluate what our role is in maintaing the environment. 
In Genesis chapters one and two we are reminded that God established the earth. He created everything, birds, trees, land, water, sky, even light itself came from God. In Colossians 1:16-17, we are told that God also sustains all creation, by carefully watching over it and holding it together! Again in Psalm 24:1 and I Corinthians 10:26 we reminded that all creation is still His; in fact He rules over it. All creation belongs to the Lord. 
Yet, Genesis further teaches that God entrusted His creation to the care of man. Verses 15 states “The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”  It was always part of God’s plan for man to care for, watch over (or protect), and keep up all that He has created. God placed man as a watchman, steward, and a guardian over His creation. He was to watch and care for it, defending and keeping it in the best condition. 
This command still rings true today. People are to be good stewards of all that God has created. This is not done to save the planet, for we know that this world will too someday pass away, nor is it done in honor of “mother earth.” Caring for creation is an act of obedience and worship to the almighty God. He cares for His creation, and we should too. 
This is also a wonderful opportunity to enter into spiritual conversations; for people of all shapes, sizes, creeds and backgrounds care about the environment. Sadly, many are focused in the wrong direction. Yet, Romans 1:20 tell us that all creation shows the glory and nature of God. Lets the seize the moment, and direct their interest away from the creation towards the Creator.


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