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A few weeks ago my oldest daughter turned six years old. I can hardly believe it; for it seems just like yesterday that I was rushing my wife to the hospital as her contractions increased. But alas, my girl is growing up.
As my daughter ages, the more responsibility she desires. Often, I can see it on her face, wishing she was old enough to make her own decisions; old enough to no longer take direction or obey her parents. 
I remember having similar thoughts as well. Thinking how great it must be for adults not having someone constantly telling them what to do, where to go, how to act. How easy they had it: for they didn’t have to obey anyone. 
I recall longing for those days as a teenager. Counting down until I turned 18 and was finally an adult, no longer answering to anyone; especially my parents. I waited with anticipation for the time when I could decide for myself what to do, when to go to bed, and where to eat. I imagined a life free from authority, free from accountability, and free from any correction. A time where the only one I had to obey was myself. 
However, I soon learned my thinking was wrong. Accountability never ceases, for “each of us will give an account of himself to God” Romans 14:12. Obedience (especially to God) transcends age, and much to my disappointment, never gets easier. Abraham learned this lesson as well. In Genesis 17 God entered into a special covenant with Abraham and his decedents. According to Genesis 17:9-14 the sign of this covenant was circumcision, and any uncircumcised male would be cut off from God’s blessing. Abraham wasted no time. Later that day he, his son Ishmael, and every male in his household was circumcised. 
Abraham was no spring chicken. Genesis 17:24 says “Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised.” Yep that’s right ninety-nine years old! 
God didn’t give Abraham a pass because of his age. No, he still required Abraham to obey his command and walk according to His covenant. This couldn’t have been easy or desirable! No one would have blamed a man who had lived nearly a century to attempt to escape such a request. Yet, Abraham didn’t, nor did he even raise a slight objection or complaint. Instead, out of respect, love, devotion, and gratefulness for God, Abraham obeyed and insisted his household do the same! 
As we age, it can easy to let compromise creep in. To allow things in our home and our life that we would have never before. Yet, that isn’t right. God doesn't change his requirements, or have different expectations because we are older. No. His Law remains the same. Regardless of our age, His Word still demands our attention and obedience. His grace and mercy continue to require a response. Age is never an excuse for disobedience or dishonor. 
While no longer accountable to our parents, or possibly no longer have impressionable children at home, we are still accountable to God. Our lives should still be a living sacrifice to Him. May we walk in His ways by His grace each day of our life.


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