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Yes, I was duly warned. My older sister was very clear in her explanation and warnings to me. Vanilla Extract does not taste good. Over and over again she admonished me, telling me not to drink it. But I refused to believe her. It just can’t be. I knew that it enhanced the flavor of many goodies my mother baked, and besides it smelled so good. She must be wrong, or worse yet she doesn’t want me to enjoy this treat. 

It wasn’t long before the pleasant aroma had convinced me. My sister must be wrong, How can something that smells so good be as bad as she describes? Besides, I could nearly taste the Vanilla on my lips. I raised the plastic bottle to my mouth and took a giant sized gulp. It never made it to my stomach. As soon as the liquid touched my tongue, I spewed it out and quickly attempted to rid my mouth of that horrible taste. 

Trying to control her laughter, my sister said with smile, “see I told you it tasted nothing like it smells.”  Many, many years later, I find myself still asking the same question “how can something that smelled so good taste so bad.” I learned a valuable lesson that day, looks can be deceiving. I do take comfort in knowing that I am not the only one who has learned that lesson; Lot did as well. 

In Genesis 13 Abraham and Lot had to part ways since their herds had gown too large to remain together. In verses eight and nine Abraham tells his nephew to choose where he would like to settle, and he, Abraham, would go in the opposite direction. He did just that; Genesis 13:10-11 says. Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered, like the garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt, toward Zoar. So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east.

Yes, this land looked perfect. It was beautiful, large, and luscious; appearing to have everything Lot needed for his family and farm to be successful. However, instead of peace, growth, and success; his family experienced hardship, loss, and spiritual decay. It wasn’t long before war broke out in the region and Lot was captured; only to be rescued by Abraham. 

Sodom and Gomorrah were wicked and immoral cities and eventually were destroyed. The hedonistic and depraved life modeled in these cities undoubtedly had a profound effect on Lot's children, who later got their father drunk and slept with him order to conceive. Lot lost everything, his wife who was turned to a pillar of salt, his home and farm which was consumed in the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah, and the spiritual life of his family. The land that looked so good, proved to be so bad. Looks can be deceiving. 

What can we learn from Lot? What looks good to the eye, may not be good for the soul. Many things in life look appealing yet prove to be destructive. Seem innocent, yet rob our innocence. Physically appearing to offer the best life has, but causing spiritual decay and death. Let’s not be fooled by our flesh, captivated by the culture, or seduced by Satan; instead let us stand firm in our faith, letting God’s Word and His Spirit be our guide. 


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