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I am not one who especially enjoys going to garage sales, instead of finding treasures I often find it to be a waste of time. However, when I do stop by one I am often amazed at what people are selling; or maybe a more accurate way to say it is, I am amazed at what some people think their stuff is worth.

This truth has been driven home for me by the TV show “Pawn Stars.” This program is a reality show about a family owned and operated pawn shop based in Las Vegas NV. The tagline for the show, I never know what is going to walk in that door, is proven true each week as people from all walks of life bring in their odd, different, and downright unusual stuff for the pawn shop to buy. However more striking than items brought into the pawn shop is what people think that their stuff is worth. Even more surprising is how soon they are swayed by the proprietors and agree on an amount much less than they were first set on; sometimes putting up very little fight.

Sadly this far too often resembles life. Again and again we give in to momentary pleasures that carry lasting consequences. We know what is right. We know what is good. We know what God’s desires are. Yet we give in to temptation and dabble in things contrary to His Word, at times barely putting up a good fight. We are exchanging our holiness for temporary gratification. Ignoring God’s Spirit and feeding our flesh. For what? What do we really gain through such actions? What return is there in the investment of sin?

Galatians 6:7-9 tell us “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”

This is also seen as man puts His desires and pursuits before that of God’s; when the focus of his life is to acquire stuff. Money, Health, a good job, a stable family, a safe place to live… the list goes on and on. But at what cost? What good is all this stuff when we exhale our last breath?

Christ asked the same question is Mark 8:36-37. He said “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? Or what can a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Does the pursuit of earthly possessions gain us anything in the end? Does the pleasure of a moment really last for eternity? Are any of these things really worth our soul? Better yet what is your soul worth?

God knows. He said your soul is worth everything. That’s just what He gave: everything, even His Son’s life. Christ willingly give His life as a ransom, a payment for your soul! He paid the debt sin had dug and redeemed a life that was set for loss. Christ exchanged His life for yours. As the Apostle put it “You are not your own, you’ve been bought with a price therefore honor God with your body.”

Instead of pawing our soul for momentary pleasures or selfish gain we are called to seek God’s kingdom first; to seek His righteousness in the person of Jesus Christ. Daily putting to death our sinful nature and desires in Blood of Christ, allowing His Word and Spirit to guide our paths each step of the way. While seeking to expand His kingdom of grace by sharing His love with others.

Let’s stop chasing after things of the moment and pursue the righteousness found in Jesus Christ.


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