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A Faith-Filled Father

I’m not one for protests. I don’t particularly like picketing, nor am I an activist. However, there is one cause that needs more attention: fatherhood. It’s no secret, fatherhood (and Biblical manhood), is rapidly becoming extinct. Today, many lack a solid father figure in their life: or the life of their children. Others are left wounded, hurting, and in some extreme cases bitter by the difficult experiences shared with their dad. 

Many men today desire to be a great dad and yet have no idea who to be one. This is too bad, for even Sigmund Freud correctly stated the importance of fatherhood when he said,  “I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father's protection.” What makes a good Dad? One who is Faith-Filled. 

There is not a better example than the Father of Nations, Abraham. In Genesis 22:1-17, we read of the time when God asked Abraham to sacrifice his only son, his own heir, the one promised to him by God himself. In this account we see four distinct Characteristics of a Faith-Filled Father.

A Faith-Filled Father: Listens to the Lord. Throughout his life Abraham listened to God. From the calling out from his own land into a new one, from the warning against Sodom & Gomorrah to the  promise of a son; he listened. And this time was no different. In verses 1-2 when the Lord came and spoke to Abraham; he listened. Not just to part of what God said, but to all of it. He didn’t tune God out when half way through, nor did he argue with the Lord. He simply listened.

A Faith-Filled Father: Obeys the Lord. Abraham didn’t waste any time. Verses 3 tell of his immediate obedience. “Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac.” He didn’t ask God again, or wait for another sign to confirm what was said. He didn’t dilly dally around, instead he acted in direct and immediate obedience to God. Leaving early in the morning, despite how crazy the request of sacrificing his son seemed, he obeyed holding nothing back.

A Faith-Filled Father: Trusts the Lord. It didn’t take Isaac long to notice the missing element, a lamb; and when he questioned his father about it Abraham replied in verse 8. “God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son.” Abraham had a complete and confident trust in the Lord; holding nothing back, not even his own son. He trusted God to keep His promise to bless the whole world through his seed.

A Faith-Filled Father: is Blessed by the Lord. As Abraham walked in faith and obedience, God stopped him from killing his son, and instead provided a substitute sacrifice, giving Abraham his son back. As they finished offering up the ram, the Lord spoke again, confirming the promise He had made many years ago. That it was through Abraham’s offspring all nations would be blessed, and saved. 

A FAITH-FILLED Father places God before anything; including himself and his family. He is constantly listening to hear God’s plan for his life and his family, is willing to trust and obey no matter how crazy God’s call seems, and to stand blessed by Him in this life and the one to come. 


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