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Are we living in the end times? 

This question (or ones like it) seem popular in our society, and at times it seems like the entire world is fixated on the end. From movies like 2012 and Knowing, to a rising interest in the predictions of Nostradamus, the claims of men like Harold Camping, and the Mayan calendar, (not to mention the unprecedented success of the much beloved “Left Behind” series) many people have tuned in to the “end of the world.” 

The July 1st 2002 issue of Time Magazine reported that one-third of Americans are paying more attention to how their lives relate to the end of the world, and fifty precent of people believe the events in Revelation will come to pass. This has left many wondering, and worrying about the end.

The state of our culture has only fueled this fear. With the increasing unrest in the Middle East to the rising cost of healthcare in the Midwest, from rises in home invasion to increased frequency of earthquakes, from rising unemployment to falling of morality it seems as if things are only getting worse. And they are! 

With this growing interest, and the state of our world, prophecy has turned into big business for Hollywood and preacher alike. Unfortunately much of what is shared is unreliable, unbiblical, seeks only to invoke fear, or to forward a specific agenda. Yet, Christ’s desire for us is to face the future with faith, not fear. He teaches us about these things in Matthew chapter 24.

Matthew 24:8 stays that “All these are the beginning of birth pains.” 

Jesus tells us what will happen: simply put “life is going to get worse.” In verses four and five he warns about false teachers and those claiming to be Christ. In verses six and seven He tells us that wars, famines, and natural disasters will increase. According to verses nine through fourteen persecution will grow, Christians will abandon truth and faith, many will be lead astray, while others will loose their life because of their devotion to Christ. The world as we know it will come to an end. 

Yet Christ encourages us with two commands and one promise. 

In Matthew 24:4 he says “Watch out that no one deceives you.” Christ wants us to be on guard, equipped with the truth, knowing what will come. In verse 6 He says “but see to it that you are not alarmed.” We are not to be surprised, worried or gripped in fear by the things that we see or hear on the news. 

Why? Because of the great promise in verse 13 “but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.” Those who remain faithful to God and His Word will be saved. Not from the calamity of this world but from the eternal punishment and death that sin brings. We will be saved!

Are we living in the end times? We can’t be certain; but we can be assured that whatever happens Christ is preparing a place for us to spend all eternity. 

When the earth shakes, or the bombs drop, the World is gripped by fear and filled with questions. As Christians we have The Answer, and are called to give it. In Verse fourteen Christ says, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” 

Let’s not live in fear of what the future holds, but confidently face it with faith in Christ, boldly providing solid answers in times of uncertainty. 

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